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Forum Index » Bugs [XML]
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Self buffs 1 Rulion 79844 06/09/2017 00:00:00
Admin [Latest Reply]
Raid boss event - core 1 Rulion 50359 04/09/2017 00:00:00
Admin [Latest Reply]
Error 7 yievy 66632 02/09/2017 00:00:00
yievy [Latest Reply]
NPC shop bugged 1 Rulion 42399 22/04/2017 01:26:27
Admin [Latest Reply]
critical error on character create 1 zip4real 64523 17/04/2017 18:53:02
Admin [Latest Reply]
Cancel not returning all buffs 4 Nyxveil 50854 07/04/2017 23:16:52
Nyxveil [Latest Reply]
Buffed pets at olympiads 11 Nyxveil 70589 06/04/2017 19:54:58
Admin [Latest Reply]
LOGIN DOWN OR IP PROB? 1 Kwstas 41137 06/04/2017 11:30:13
Admin [Latest Reply]
fix 0 yievy 40920 05/04/2017 14:10:07
yievy [Latest Reply]
Zaken 1 Nyxveil 40751 02/04/2017 13:03:26
Admin [Latest Reply]
Fix Korean Event 1 Rulion 50513 24/03/2017 14:58:43
Admin [Latest Reply]
Faction Manager 2 Ekatario 50123 20/03/2017 16:13:13
Ekatario [Latest Reply]
Steal the flag 1 yievy 42485 17/03/2017 22:38:48
Admin [Latest Reply]
Bugs? 6 Ekatario 65335 15/03/2017 13:01:24
Ekatario [Latest Reply]
You did remove 7 yievy 71036 13/03/2017 20:14:41
Admin [Latest Reply]
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